Covid-19,Education and Zoom

Covid-19, Education and Zoom

Since Covid-19 Virus Spreads around   the world, every government has implemented measures  to   reduce  gathering  of   large crowds. They have  decided to  implement those  measures  in their education  sector also   and    temporally    closed   schools, universities and  every other   educational institutes  with the need to    contain    the   Covid -19 virus. To date, many countries in world have instructed their primary,   secondary   school,  university  systems to  close completely  or partially, to  prevent a  possible    virus outbreak among students and general public. But while schools and universities are closed for the quarantine, schooling and university- academics are continued by using technology.

Developments and advances of technology allow students to study and learn online while staying at home and keeping social distance as well. Students can watch videos and participate in subject discussions through the internet. Instead of traditional learning, learning via internet is sometimes difficult, as teachers and students are not much familiar with online teaching.

Students are forced to stay at home to get helped prevent the spread of covid-19, Schools and universities have found creative ways to virtually conduct Lectures to their Students. ZOOM is one of the dozens of video conferencing services which can be used to conduct online lectures and meetings. ZOOM has risen up to the top due to the covid-19 pandemic. According to the Bernstein Research and Apoptotia, daily downloads of the zoom app have increased 30x year-over-year and the app has been the top free apps for iPhones as well as. Daily users of Zoom increased to 200 million in March, from 10 million in December.




  1. Good job! 😌💖👍🤗

  2. Cheers to nice work ❤️

  3. Great job. It will be more important if you outlined some information about Zoom App more ��


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